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Because of the wide variety of gear I work on, I never know what's going to come through the door next.

One month, the shop is full of tape decks, then a couple of tube mics will come in. Then I’ll get three 1950’s Fenders or four Princeton Reverbs in a row. Roland Space Echoes and Tascam 388s seem to travel in herds, Fenders congregate.

Shop full o' amps

Shop full o' amps

Helios Console

Helios Console

This console was in Island Studio 2 during the early 70s. When I desoldered the fader connectors it smelled like the ancient beer that was spilled on it.

A flock of Echoes

A flock of Echoes

5 clients, 6 Echoes. Oddly, things tend to show up in bunches.

Shop full o' tape decks

Shop full o' tape decks

And on the right, the oddest Teac I've ever worked on.

1951 Supro

1951 Supro


Neumann TLM193

Neumann TLM193

Thermionic Phoenix

Thermionic Phoenix

Modern British limiter.

Decca pair

Decca pair

Ancient British limiters.

API 550 pair

API 550 pair

Classic EQs, fraternal twins!

Tascam 388

Tascam 388

Pultec stereo panner

Pultec stereo panner

Old school: you have to do the panning with your hands.

60s Earth Superbass

60s Earth Superbass

Casino Diner upholstery - plush!

1960s Teletronix LA2A

1960s Teletronix LA2A

Altec M11

Altec M11

Mic + power supply

Custom tape-wrap tool

Custom tape-wrap tool

Developed for a client who transfers ancient tapes.

Sound City half-stack

Sound City half-stack

Guitar amp

Guitar amp

(Most Versatones are bass combos)

Ampeg SVT

Ampeg SVT

When I can no longer lift these onto the bench, I'm gonna retire.

UA 6176

UA 6176

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